Word to Life Church International
Beholding the Glory of the Word
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What Makes Us Special?
God's Grace: We believe that we are special, not because of our earthly status or anything that we have done or can do for ourselves, but because of the position that we hold and maintain in Christ Jesus; we are a peculiar people, a holy nation, a royal priesthood, heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus, seated together with him in heavenly places, constantly acknowledging that Jesus Christ is the head and therefore our expectation is of Him and our dependency is on Him. I Pet. 5:9, Rom 8:16-17. We are who we are by the grace of God; I Cor. 15:10.
Worship: Great emphasis is placed on worship. We believe that worship is not just the singing of slow songs with hands lifted and eyes closed, but that it is total obedience to God’s word and thereby making our lives an offering of worship unto our Lord Jesus Christ - John 4:23-24.
Teaching: The Bible teaches us in Mark 4:24 that with what measure we mete it will be measured back unto us; therefore we endeavour to give the pre-eminence to the word of God, not just in our services but in our lives and the ministry on a whole. We want to get maximum results which is possible only through a decision to study (II Tim. 2:15) and minister under God’s anointing.
Leadership: A good leader never send his people into battle, he leads them in it. It is said that travel agents recommend destinations that they themselves have never been to, but tour guides lead the people where ever they go. We believe in going the distance with you and enjoying the journey together, to the point where, we believe it is our responsibility to go first and then take you along with us. The first responsibility of a leader is to acknowledge the person of the Holy Spirit as his or her Leader.
People: Many times leaders place emphasis on building “buildings”, ministries, programs etc. We prioritize building “people”. We focus on the individual confidently knowing that all the other things will fall into place. It takes people to build but to build people. Everything should be done for the benefit of the people as God created all things for His people; things were created for man and not man for things. Mark 2:27-28.
Positive Attitude: We embrace the concept that nothing is as bad as it initially seems and that no situation we face takes God by surprise. For every problem there is a solution and the solution was actually there before your problem came. Therefore the attitude you display while facing the situation will determine the outcome. Keep positive!!!
Psalm 27:13 Psalm 30:5.
Most importantly we believe that every Christian should express love and commitment, experience spiritual growth and exercise faith in the word of God. Every individual should see and accept themselves, just as God sees them. Psalm 139:14-16.